Beta-D-Galactose pentaacetate CAS:114162-64-0

Beta-D-galactose pentaacetate is a chemical compound that is derived from galactose, a type of sugar. It is formed by acetylating galactose with five acetyl groups. This modification increases the compound's stability and allows it to be used in various chemical and biochemical applications.Beta-D-galactose pentaacetate is commonly used as a protective agent for galactose in organic reactions. It helps prevent unwanted reactions or side reactions by masking the reactive groups of galactose.Additionally, this compound is sometimes used as a precursor or starting material in the synthesis of other galactose derivatives. Its acetylated form allows for easier manipulation and modification of the galactose molecule in subsequent reactions.Overall, beta-D-galactose pentaacetate is a useful compound in chemical research and synthesis that provides stability and versatility for galactose-related reactions.  

Products Details

Application and Effect

Beta-D-galactose pentaacetate, often referred to as galactose pentaacetate, is a derivative of galactose in which five acetyl groups are attached to the hydroxyl groups of galactose. This chemical modification enhances the compound's stability and alters its physical and chemical properties. The primary effect and application of beta-D-galactose pentaacetate lie in its utilization as a protecting group for galactose in organic synthesis. Protecting groups are temporary modifications used to shield specific functional groups within a molecule from undesired reactions during chemical transformations. In the case of galactose, the acetyl groups in pentaacetate form serve as protective shields for the hydroxyl groups  By employing beta-D-galactose pentaacetate as a protecting group, chemists can selectively manipulate other regions of the molecule without altering or interfering with the hydroxyl groups. This versatility allows for controlled and precise synthesis in fields such as carbohydrate chemistry, drug development, and natural product synthesis. Once the desired reactions are completed, the acetyl groups can be cleaved to restore the original hydroxyl groups of galactose, yielding the desired product. Several methods, such as hydrolysis with basic conditions or enzymatic hydrolysis, can be employed to remove the acetyl groups.

Product Packing:

Additional Information:

Composition C20H26BrClN2O7
Assay 99%
Appearance White powder
CAS No. 114162-64-0
Packing Small and bulk
Shelf Life 2 years
Storage Store in cool and dry area
Certification ISO.

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