Oxibendazole CAS:20559-55-1 Manufacturer Price

Oxibendazole feed grade is a medication used in animal feed to treat and control internal parasite infections in livestock animals. It is effective against various types of gastrointestinal parasites, including roundworms, lungworms, tapeworms, and flukes. Livestock animals consume the feed containing oxibendazole, which is then absorbed in their digestive system. This medication works by killing or inhibiting the growth of internal parasites, helping to improve the animals' health and productivity.

Products Details

Application and Effect

Oxibendazole feed grade is commonly used as an anthelmintic, which means it is used to control and eliminate internal parasites in livestock animals. It is effective against various parasites, including roundworms, tapeworms, lungworms, and flukes. The application of oxibendazole feed grade involves mixing the medication into animal feed at the appropriate dosage. The dosing is usually determined based on the animal species, weight, and the specific parasites being targeted. It is important to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer or seek guidance from a veterinarian to ensure correct dosage and administration. When animals consume feed containing oxibendazole, the medication is absorbed into their gastrointestinal tract. It then enters the bloodstream and reaches targeted organs, where it exerts its anthelmintic effect. Oxibendazole works by disrupting the integrity of the parasites' cells, leading to their paralysis and eventual death. The dead parasites are then expelled from the animal's body through feces.  

Product Sample

Product Packing:

Additional Information:

Composition C12H15N3O3
Assay 99%
Appearance White powder
CAS No. 20559-55-1
Packing 25KG 1000KG
Shelf Life 2 years
Storage Store in cool and dry area
Certification ISO.

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